27 May 2009

giveaway day!

It's sew mama sew's giveaway day! And I have something for one for you:
Ta da! A up-cycled beach bag!

Broad Bag 2

It's cotton, muslin lined with a little sailboat detail.
And what's inside.....?


Scraps! 25 four inch square scraps, every colour of the rainbow. Okay, that's a lie, apparently I have no orange or purple in my stash...

So all you have to do to enter to win this bag and scraps is comment with your favourite thing to do in the warm weather. This is open to everyone, US and abroad. I'll pick a name at random on the 31st and get a pretty wrapped up package out to the winner.

So, go go go!

And get to all the other great giveaways at sew mama sew!

ps - edward and lily has some scraps and some brooches up for grabs!

* * * Okay, we're closed. Off to random up a winner! * * *


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Karen said...

How cool!
Wonderful giveaway!
During the warm weather I like to sit outside with my little people. They like alternate between the sand table, water table and baby pool. I soak up a few rays and we are close to the juice boxes and popsicles in the fridge! It makes for good...very good days.
Karen@ lulufish.com

pss said...

What an awesome bag!! My little guys would put that to good use...and I'd put the fabric to good use!

Our favorite thing to do in the warm weather...is stay cool! Splash in the water...feel the cool wind...eat some watermelon...!


Casey said...

I love to kick my feet in the paddling pool and eat ice cream, I can't wait until it's warm all the time

Max. H said...

Fantastic bag for the summertime! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, I love your blog!

affectioknit said...

The bag is absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

In warm weather I love to sit in the shade with a linen napkin and a very tall glass of home-brewed raspberry iced tea. With LOTS of ice. The scene is best when with someone dear to me!

kristie said...

cute bag! my favorite thing to do in warm weather is sit on the porch and drink a glass of lemonade and watch birds.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your bag! My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is garden in a bathingsuit, and take breaks to play with my pre-schooler in the sprinkler!

April M. said...

Cute bag - and full of scraps!

Anna said...

Love the bag - and the fabric is a bonus.

Warm weather - love chasing my 2 year old around the backyard.

Ariel said...

Fabric! woo hoo! I can guarantee they would be quilted :) Would love a new bag for taking my son to the park and on picnics this summer.

Whitney said...

Adorable bag and great scraps!

JULIE ♥ ADORE said...

in the warm weather i love WARM;))))

Melissa Ann said...

In warm weather, my husband and I eat all our meals outside.
This bag is adorable!

Andria said...

Love the bag. We love to camp in the warm weather. Our family loves to eat outside and the kiddos start begging as soon as the snow is gone.

mcgillenator said...

I like to take my sweet bulldog puppy to the park and watch him run around and try to put everything in his mouth :) He is so fun to watch and I can think of no better way to spend the warm weather time!
What a great giveaway! Hope I win something :)

Stacey said...

oh pick me...that is adorable!

Laurie said...

Love the bag and the fabric squares! We love to go camping in the warm weather..sit by the pool, fire at nite with smores and a good game of corn hole with the kids.

rachel griffith said...

how cute!!!
i love to go to the beach.
i know it's not original, but i really enjoy it.

Katherine said...

My fave warm weather thing is making homemade sweet tea, and watching my kids play outside. It's the best :D

Shannon said...

My favorite thing to do in warm weather is go for walks in the woods. Really, I love to do that in most weather, but I'm not a huge warm weather fan, so I like how the trees relieve some of the heat.

Amy said...

Great giveaway!
My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is to find shade or eat Popsicles.

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

I love to lay out at the beach (slathered in SPF, of course) and boogie board. My favorite non-beach thing to do in the summer is sit out on my deck with the hubs and eat cherry Luigi's Italian Ice.

Sandy Shirley said...

In warm weather, I like to weed my flowerbeds. Would love to win your giveaway.

karen m. said...

Hello! I was drawn first to the name of your blog (sounds like my home!) and then I saw your strawberries! Strawberries signal the start of our summer, but our season has not started yet. My kids are waiting for all the fruit and corn. Thank you and happy summer!

Charity said...

My favourite warm weather activity is a walk on the beach!

Charity said...

So nice - thank you! I love walking on the beach in the summer.

Jessica said...

Wow that is very nice! Our favorite thing to do is go to the beach and eat rolled tacos :) For some reason the beach always makes us crave taco shop rolled tacos!

Stacy Kraus McDonald said...

Fingers crossed, I hope I win! My favorite thing to do at the beach is walk in the sand barefoot or sit under a beach umbrella and read.

Grace said...

Wonderful giveaway--

Meadow said...

Nothing. Just sit in the sun. Slathered in sunscreen.

Angi said...

I love going to the beach and I'd love that darling bag to tag along.

Paper Couture Blog said...

I truley enjoy builidng snadcastles with my 3 year old, its so relaxing.

Erynn said...

I love to drink fresh squeezed lemonade in the summer.

Anonymous said...

I love to read outside with a class of Limonata!

M.E. Greene said...

I'm such a dork... I just love to sit out in the sun or shade and read or knit... I also love cloud watching and going to sit by the lake and watch the ducks and geese. I'm a summer girl. Wish it were summer all year long! leafygreenes at gmail dot com

mandy said...

WATER! WATER! WATER!!!! drinking, playing, splashing and cooling off in!

Miri said...

My favourite things are definitely picnics at the beach & watching my little ones playing in the waves! what a lovely giveaway!
much love,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love this bag. I love upcycled stuff! My favorite thing to do in warm weather is take my family to the lake and have a picnic.

Kaye Prince said...

This is such a neat giveaway; I especially love the idea of including fabric scraps. My favourite thing to do in the warm weather is just sit outside with a book and relax (I just did it on Saturday - it was heaven)!

Jaime said...

My favorite thing to do in the summer is read a magazine laying by the pool...that is a distant memory with 2 little ones. BUT, I love the bag...and I can never have enough of them!

The Barb Chronicles said...

This is my favorite give-away so far! What I love to do in the summer? EVERYTHING. I'll give you my top ten.

10. sun tan on a warm beach, well let me rephrase... chasing the kids in a tank top.
9. Pasta, lots of pasta, it's light and yummy on a summer night, especially Pesto from Barefoot Contessa
8. Sun tan lines on my kiddies. I think that is so cute.
7. BBQ pizza. You actually BBQ the dough - yum. I will send you the recipe if you would like.
6. feeding the ducks that lounge in the pond by our house.
5. afternoon rain.
4. The fact my husband is out of school and is home with us (he is in medical school)
3. No need to have a schedule, what's the point!
2. Can you say weekend with Grandma! Hevenly!
1. The fact that I can be with my fam 24 hours and constnantly laugh!

Sorry this post is so long, just thought it would be fun!


Hippie Family... said...

Love your stuff. that purse is so cute. we are in year one of fun summer, with our little one walking, I am sure we will spend a lot of time in the kiddie pool, we do have a free zoo here, and a lot of other fun activities as long as it's not too hot!

Autumn said...

Great bag! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Jane said...

Hmm, warm weather... what is that? (I live in northern Alberta and it is cool here more often than not.) But I love to cycle and play tennis and walk the dog.

Thanks for the chance to enter your great giveaway.

Maxine said...

Lovely! I love to sit outside and knit, with a coffee and something to nibble!

Bethany said...

What a beautiful bag! I love it! Thanks for the great giveaway.

beagoodmom said...

fun bag and goodies inside....of course I want it! In warm weather I love to wear my flip flops. anywhere. I would be the girl in flip flops at the White House or meeting the Queen, I swear.

Mary P said...

Very cool. I love the bag and the fabric!

Sarah said...

My favorite warm weather thing to do is eat ice cream!

ecky said...

i love picnics! just lounging around, eating and reading a good book. what can be better!

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Vicki said...

what a great giveaway! I'd love to get the bag and scraps.

Harley Dee said...

I love to get out on the water when the weather gets hot. Whether it's in a swimming pool, the ocean or out on the lake.. I gotta be near some water! :)

Laura said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thank You!

In warm weather I love to walk in the grass and puddles bare foot! Takes me back to when I was little!


Just Charming said...

Lovely. My favorite thing to do in the summer is run through the sprinklers with my son!

throuthehaze said...

my fave thing is going to the beach!

Anonymous said...

Cute bag and cute fabric - nice!

Lau said...

I really like summers because of BBQ, pool, family reunions... so many things thanks very cute blog


Unknown said...

Wonderful giveaway! In the warm weather I love to have people over for BBQs & just laze around on our back porch :)


Leigh said...

very fun! I love sitting on my deck with my hubby, drinking a gladd of wine after the kiddos go to bed. Well, that and sewing. but that's not summer specific... ;)

amy said...

such lovely fabrics and an even lovlier bag!

Jennifer said...


UK lass in US said...

Um, I like to camp out inside with the AC on, but I don't get to do that with two kids to keep busy and active (can you tell that I'm a miserable winter person who somehow ended up living in far too sunny California?...).

What a great looking bag.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I can never resist pretty fabric...

Warm weather goes oh so well with cool watermelon. Lovely to think about on a gray, rainy day...

Jocelyn said...

I live in the warm weather, so we just enjoy it year round. Very nice bag. Please add me to your giveaway.

Leslie said...

this is such a beauitiful bag...it would be wonderful to take to the beach.....

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

That bag is darling and i would love to have the fabric scraps.
my favorite warm weather thing is playing at the swimming hole with the kids, jumping off the rope swing and catching crawdads.

kate said...

i love the pattern! very, very cute

Anya said...

I love to sew outside on my deck! Thanks for the chance.

luke and pamela said...

lovely! my favorite thing to do in the summer is swim! or maybe just be in the sun! or maybe cook things with fresh fruit and veggies! so many things!

janet lee said...

either drink thai iced teas or eating icecream cones!!!

Kate said...

I love to swim in the pool! The beach has too much sand...

Katherine said...

We love to eat water ice and dip our toes in the baby pool while our toddler splashes around!

kate said...

LOVE this bag. so sweet!

we love the beach. we're all about the ocean and all it comes with (sand, salt, shells and other s words)


Eema-le said...

Favorite thing to do in warm weather has to be swimming with my daughter.

Jen said...

my favorite thing to do is just breath in the warm air.

great giveaway bag and fabric!

amymarie said...

favorite thing to do in warm weather? easy: sit inside with the air blasting! ;p

thanks for the chance at this adorable beach bag!


sewtakeahike said...

yay! what a great giveaway! ok, my fav thing to do in warm weather would have to be backpacking. love, love, love it!!

rfm said...

what a great bag!

Anonymous said...

love the bag and the scraps - I'm a scrap quilter and tatter. Robert in northern Iowa.

Sue Cahill said...

Wonderful bag and their is nothing better than scraps.
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Christina said...

i would LOVE to win this!! the bag is adorable and I am planning to beach it a lot this summer. and the scraps are a great added bonus! thank you for the chance to win this great bag =)

Anonymous said...

That is the best give away ever!!

My favorite thing to do in warm weather is go get an ice cream cone at the drug store and walk around downtown in a flowy skirt with my husband, hopefully enjoying the farmer's market if it's a Thursday :)


CherrY said...

In Thailand, it always too warm even if it is cool season (never dare to use "winter" here!)

Currently, my favourite thing to do in the "too" warm weather is to turn-on the air-conditioner and read some books or do some small handcraft projects like crochet, knitting or sewing.

Katie B said...

Warm weather favorite: relaxing at the lake with friends!

kldemare at yahoo dot com

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Cute cute bag!
Reminds me of my pj's actually same pattern I think.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Valerie said...

I love the beach in good weather!

(Heh, I have no orange in my stash either)

marzipan79 said...

Great giveaway. This would make my day. In warm weather I love to sit out on my deck and read a good book.

wayfarer said...

That bag is awesome. LOVE it. I would love taking this to the beach with my boys. ANd those scraps are yummy.

Favorite thing to do in warm weather is have a picnic. Watermelon or mango's are a necessity. Picnic's are just fun.

Jennadesigns said...

I love to walk the beach (we live near Lake Michigan) and find the perfect, smoothest stones. I collect only the best ones, and add them to my collection.

Anonymous said...

I like to sit, sit, sit and do nothing!

Okay, maybe embroider while I'm sitting.


Digital Misfit said...

I love going to garage sales and open air markets in the warm weather. I love the thrill of the treasure hunt, and doing it in the hot sun just makes it so much better.


Tanya said...

Gorgeous giveaway! I love to garden in warm weather, then sit in my lawn chair and enjoy my garden space I created.

lucy said...

sit outside on a hot summers day with a cool glass of pimss.
fab giveaway!

hanna said...

what a great bag! and filled with fabric too!!
fav summer thing - beach walks, definately

Jacquie said...

Gorgeous bag - I'd love to win!

I like to sit on the verandah on a warm evening and drink iced tea!

Heather said...

In the warmer months I love to be outside (as long as the mosquitoes don't find me). Thank you for the giveaway!


Jody said...

I love the bag and could put those scraps to good use. I like to lay in a hammock with a tall glass of lemonade.

Holly said...

My favorite thing is a hammock nap/reading time. Nothing better!

The Sew Convert said...

Lovely bag! A picnic in the park with strawberries, seedless grapes and chilled white wine:)

Unknown said...

I love this! It's cute! And Fabric!

Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver

My favorite summer thing is to just be outside in the parks or at a mountain or on the beach... it's so nice and refreshing.

Jaime said...

stinkin' cute bag!! I love this giveaway!

ikkinlala said...

My favourite thing to do in warm weather is go swimming - I'm lucky to live near a river.

mae said...

my favorite thing to do in warm weather? hide in my house with the air conditioning on! I'm from the coast where it rarely gets hotter than the 60's and I can't handle much hotter than that. I love the grey fall! and, I love your bag. :)


Mama Said Sew said...

Oh! I cannot pass up a giveaway that includes fabric! Our favorite warm weather activities are going to the beach and going to the movies. :)

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

Ooohhh...fabric! In the warm weather I love to sit in my garden and read or craft while my kids play around me and enjoy the outdoors.

Anna said...

Such a nice giveaway a bag and fabric! I am starting to wish for summer after reading some of these comments whilst sitting with the heater on and a cup of tea - it is going to be a long wait! During summer I like going to a japanese restaurant for dinner as the sun sets, where we sit on the sidewalk surrounded by lanterns a couple of streets from the beach

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness -- how special! i really like the bag that you made. it reminds me of one i had as a kiddo.

Unknown said...

What a lovely bag - the sail boat sets it off beautifully - please count me in for the draw

Jeanie said...

A beautiful bag ! Please pick me :) Thank you !

Christy said...

That's the perfect summer bag!!Join my giveaway too!

L said...

Such a cute bag and lots of yummy fabric squares! I'd love to win these! Here in Texas we have warm aka sweltering weather 3/4 of the year so I like to stay inside in the air conditioning and cross stitch or read an Agatha Christie book or make things. Of course it seems that every time I move to a new place my a/c stops working when it's at least 85 outside (which means hot or hotter inside) like it did just this memorial weekend, I kid you not! Hope I win!


Zarah said...

I'm very sensitive to heat and sun, so actually, I love to lay in the shade and read a book, sipping on ice cold home made lemonade and just occasionally sticking my nose out into the sun (a girl needs some freckles!)...!
I also love to go for evening swims. When everyone else has gone home and it's calm and quiet. It's so relaxing. Almost meditative!

That bag is SO cute!! It could be my night-time-swim companion! (And I'd cherish the fabrics too - they're so pretty!!)

Unknown said...

My family loves to take hikes and explore. And we have the perfect place to do it. My parents farm!

What a neat giveaway!!I love the bag!

Michele said...

I like to sit on my deck swing and knit or hand piece while I listen to books on tape.

Leaha said...

Wowzers ~ Thanks for the giveaway!
I love love LOVE to take my fluffies (2 labrador retrievers) swimming at the lake. It's so relaxing to have a picnic, read a book, and watch them swim!
Thanks again!

damocamelia said...

Favorite warm-weather occupation : crochet or cross-stitch by the pool, under a big sun-umbrella !

Your giveaway is great !


Anonymous said...

A bag and scraps. Cool!
My favorite thing to do in the summer is hang out at a BBQ with friends or listening to a band in the local park.

djaj said...

in warm weather, I just enjoy sleeping with only a fine cotton sheet over me... No more blankets, how light it is !

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!

I love to be able to hang my clothes out to dry in the summertime.

JD said...

My newest favorite thing to do a kayak!

Thanks for the great giveaway..so many things I could do with all that fabric!

craftytammie said...

we blow bubbles outside every day! I'm glad the kids are entertained so cheaply (for now). Great prize!

Keeping Up with the Benson's said...

oooo I love the cute sailor boat design!! Thanks for hosting a giveaway

Doula Mommy said...

So adorable!
Warm weather- we love to go swimming as a family and then get some watermellon or some icecream!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing to do in the summer is lie on the hot sand at the beach or by the poolside! Yes, I love the water and this bag would be perfect for me!

Tasha said...

oh my favourite thing to do in warm weather is to go to the beach and splash in the shallows with the kids ;)

Charissa said...

When the weather is warm, I love working in my garden and playing outside with my daughter. Those things make my day. :-) I hope you have a great summer! Thanks for the giveaway!

mchalehm said...

In warm weather I love to lie on a blanket under a shade tree and read!

Tangos Treasures said...

Fabulous giveaway!!
Thank you for the chance to win!!

Angelia said...

Since my girls are begging to go swimming on this warm day, I'd have to say that is our favorite.
Love the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I am in love with all those scraps! Count me in for the giveaway, and if I win I'll include some of them them in something handmade for SMS's *next* giveaway day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, right - favourite warm weather thing - hanging clothes on the line to dry. Boring? Never!

~Heather said...

Not just a bag, but fabric too?! Generous!
Our week on Peaks Island is my fave summer thing to do - oh, and pick strawberries and blueberries. ~H

Tessa said...

I love sailboats...so cute! My favorite thing to do in warm weather? Lie on the beach and relax...then jump in the cool ocean, play around and then lie back in the sun and relax again! haha!

Dr. Ambo said...

What a great giveaway! And I'm planning on hitting the beach a lot this summer.

Anonymous said...

I love that bag? Would you do a tutorial? Did it start life as a man's shirt?

I love to walk the beach on a warm day.

Sandra said...

Cute bag! And I love that you are including some fabric scraps too. They would be a welcome addition to the "One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt" that many adopters make.

Carolyn said...

What a great bag and assortment of fabric! I love them both! And besides, no one really needs orange and purple, right? :)

two hippos said...

What a great bag. Plus fabric. Oh my!

I'm also having a giveaway and hosting a fat quarter swap. Come and check it out :)

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful!! To me the summer brings a lot of outdoor sales and flea markets and tag sales -- I love spending my weekend hopping from place to place!

Mama said...

My favorite thing to do in the summer is just be. Everything is my favorite thing to do in the summer! But I do especially like to sit on the porch and watch the tops of the trees blow in a breeze.

Your bag & stash are wonderful!

Unknown said...

Ooh scraps, I love love love scraps. So many possibilities! And the bag is sweet as well. Our family loves to go hiking and camping and bicycling when the weather is warm.

Kelly O. said...

And scraps too?!
Wow I feel lucky to even be in the running.
my fave thing to do in the summer is to go the zoo!

Misty.Creek said...

Read! in the shade...

Jenny said...

Swim swim swim!

silversmith said...

beautiful bag! my favorite thing to do in warm weather (not hot like we have here in texas) is to hang out in a hammock and read a good book all the way through. but there's usually too many bugs to bite me or the sun burns my skin... i can do it in december. :)

B said...

I'm not sure if I could use the scraps or the bag more, but they'd both go to good use at my house!

Sarah Seitz said...

Oh how cute! My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is to sun tan! Duh! Love this giveaway! Thanks!

Super Fun Mama said...

I love swimming!

Donna said...

Go camping!!!

Love the bag!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! =)
Oh, I have lots of things I love to do in the warm weather. One of them has to be spending an afternoon playing beach volleyball with my friends and then later all having a bbq together =)

Mama Lusco said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I can be contacted thru my blog: www.luscofamily.blogspot.com
My favorite thing to do is sit in the sun and read a good book.

Shawn said...

beautiful! I love to go swimming, have picnics,and eat watermelon!

Desiree said...

My favorite thing to do in the summer is walk bearfoot - I love the feel of the grass on my feet :) I also love soaking in the sun - I am from WI and since summer is so short we got to soak everything up while it lasts. LOVE IT!


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I love to go hang out in the back yard with the kids.

Thanks for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

pippinsequim said...

My favorite thing to do in warm weather is snooze in the sun. It feels soooo good.

sfer said...

Siestas are my favorite thing in warm weather... and we have a lot of that in Spain, so a lot of siestas are waiting for me in the next months!!

Thanks for the opportunity to win! :-)


Jessica said...

Lovely bag! :D

Whenever it gets warm (not blistering hot, mind you) I love to take my picnic blanket outside and have a picnic with my friends and/or boyfriend. :)

Adventures said...

I love to go swimming or the beach or a picinic at the park.

Lilly said...

What a lovely bag!!! It is the cutest!
I love to go to the beach and go swimming.
Thanks a lot and please count me in.

zees5 said...

Woooooooooah! Great giveaway. Thanks! izazbz@yahoo.com

Kathleen C said...

Firstly, what a beautiful boy!

What I like to do in the summer? Sit out on the porch (I live in a condo) with a good book, something to drink and a sweet to eat. My kitty sits on the inside of the screen door and enjoys the fresh air, too.
Thanks for a generous giveaway.

Lara said...

I love this bag and the scraps are fantabulous!!! Love them!!!
I am into my garden, quilting, and watching my naked toddlers play in the pool!! Love summer!
Thank you!!!!

Paula said...

I like to lay in the sun and feel the yummy warmness on my body! *(I use sunscreen of course!)

melonkelli said...

Play in the sprinklers!

melonkelli said...

Play in the sprinklers!

Linda J. said...

Love the bag and your "mostly rainbow" scraps ;-D

Summer is great for sleep outs on the back lawn and star gazing at night.

ljlaundry95 at yahoo dot com

Maren said...

Wow! I love the bag and I love the scraps!! I love to go outside in the evenings and hang out in the hammock with my kiddos and hubby.

LuLu said...

i could always use scraps and a new bag!

Sara said...

Great giveaway...I love the bag and the scraps...cause I love scrap quilts...

I like to walk in the woods and be shaded by the beautiful trees we have everywhere...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

jglitter said...

We love jumping in the sprinkler during the summer. Awesome giveaway - love the bag!


cindie said...

we live in Florida and my favorite thing to do in the summer is go to the beach...

Amanda Pedro said...

oo, a beach bag. i just made up one of those. but I like the surprise in yours better!
this summer will look forward to my daughter being almost 3 instead of almost 2. big difference in the "what shall we do today?" dept. And a 5 year old also. Fun times ahead.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Easy: My favorite thing to do in warm weather is nap!

babalisme said...

I love laying on the grass with my dog, playing a little fetch, picnic with the baby, and just dozing off to the sounds of leaves and birds!!

Ruth said...

Warm weather picnics in the park with the family--fun times. BTW, the strawberries in your header look delicious!

Jerri said...

How warm? Here in Florida it gets pretty hot in the summer. My favorite thing to do when it is over 100 is stay inside.

Sue said...

Wow, what a great give away! I can only hope that my number comes up!*g*

Montessori Bee said...

My favorite outside warm summer day is down at the creek with the little boys. The light is always just right. I love the bag and the goodies inside

Amanda said...

I adore that bag - how cute! And the fabric squares too, of course. :)

Unknown said...

I love to grow flowers in the warm weather :)

mon ami said...

this bag is beautiful and I always love a big pile o' scraps!

My favourite thing to do when it is warm is to get outside - go for a swim, sit under a tree, saddle up on a patio for a cold beer, etc.

Thanks for sharing

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

Well, since it gets SUPER HOT here, my favorite thing to do (besides stay indoors where there's A/C & read) is swim!

Love the big bag & the scraps! Thanks!

Hugs & Blessings!

e.c said...

The bag would have been just plenty! It's so cute! I love it. And my son insists on carrying my purses and bags which are all mama colors...I'd love for him to have a bag that suits him. It's adorable!

I love the fabric bonus! Very thoughtful. Who couldn't find a quilt to put those into, or turn them into pockets or appliques?

when it's WARM i love to go on walks just before dusk and lay in the middle of a field with my hubby and just talk.

Thanks for this fun giveaway!

Little Lady Cakes said...

Favorite thing to do in warm weather?

Go to the beach, of course.

Karen said...

What a fun give away! I would love to win this! In warm weather, my favorite thing to do is to go walk on the beach and listen to the waves as they crash onto the sand.

mtelizabeth said...

my favorite thing to do when it's warm is to go to the beach at the lake. i love sand and water and nature. so nice! this bag would be PERFECT for my lake trips!

Anonymous said...

oops, i clicked the wrong thing! here's my email: eaputzer(at)yahoo(dot)com

MamaG said...

Neat little bag!! My fav thing to do in the summer is to go camping with my family! So much so that one year we went while I was 8 months preggers!!! Thats hardcore right there~ Wasn't too comfortable but still fun!

Rafael's Mum said...

Lovely bag and scraps. thanks for joining the giveaway. my favourite thing in warm weather would be to pack my quilting in that bag, step onto a sailboat, and anchor somewhere in a bay. then have a lovely picknick, swim off the boat, and do some quilting in the sun... oooh.... I wish it was holidays.... (and warm !!)

klaudia said...

Lovely giveaway! Thank you!!
In warm weather I love to sit outside and ..read a book or crochet:)

Marsel said...

Fun! My favorite warm-weather activity is reading a book in the hammock, in the shade.

Roman Ezekiel Young said...

Fav thing to do in warm weather is eat icypoles. mmmmm

***Sharon*** said...

What a great giveaway! My favorite thing to do in the summer is put on some flip flops and enjoy some shaved ice! Even better with ice cream in it!

manda said...

Warm weather = the beach!! I mean, living in tropical Australia right next door to the Great Barrier Reef, what else would you do?! lol I also like going walking with the dogs, or doing a bit of gardening. Markets are always a favourite on a gorgeous Sunday morning too!

Raheli said...

I love to swim in rivers and lakes, once it gets hot. I work on a farm next to a river, so at the end of the day, I run down to the river and lie in the water for a few minutes. Then I am cool & refreshed & ready for the evening. My husband finds it funny when I get home & am totally soaking. He works in an office, and doesn't go swimming at the end of the day.

Banyay said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim. If there are water slides, that makes it even better. I'm such a little kid.

j_banyay at yahoo dot com

susan said...

Love your bag, and all the colors of the rainbow in it. My favorite thing to do in the summer is bike and garden. Still have the dirt under my fingernails from last night!

Sarah said...

I'm not a huge fan of warm weather, so my favourite thing to do is avoid it :) Warm days are the days I miss England the most.

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