It's sew mama sew's giveaway day! And I have something for one for you:
Ta da! A up-cycled beach bag!
It's cotton, muslin lined with a little sailboat detail.
Scraps! 25 four inch square scraps, every colour of the rainbow. Okay, that's a lie, apparently I have no orange or purple in my stash...
So all you have to do to enter to win this bag and scraps is comment with your favourite thing to do in the warm weather. This is open to everyone, US and abroad. I'll pick a name at random on the 31st and get a pretty wrapped up package out to the winner.
So, go go go!
And get to all the other great giveaways at sew mama sew!
ps - edward and lily has some scraps and some brooches up for grabs!
* * * Okay, we're closed. Off to random up a winner! * * *
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 297 of 297VERY nice giveaway!
I like to take long walks around the neighborhood whent he weatheris nice and look at all the different landscaping. I also enjoy a sunny day sitting on the deck reading.
Love me some rainbow squares!
The bag is over the top!
What a fun bag, I love the nautical theme. In the summer, I like to walk by the ocean and enjoy the water. The atmosphere is always so different near the water, its very peaceful.
What an adorable bag...thanks for the chance to win it. I love warm weather...I love sitting in the shade and reading a quilting magazine...with 2 young kids, it doesn't often happen, but playing with themin the sandbox is also loads of fun!
What a great bag, and those are lovely scraps! My favorite thing to do in warm weather is sit out on our breezy porch and sip a cocktail! :)
Please add my name to the drawing. What a fun giveaway! Thank you.
My favorite giveaway so far, but I'm not quite finished ;) My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is to watch my kiddos play in the yard or help me in the garden.
I love going to the beach and digging my toes into the sand and reading a great book-- although great in the variety of brain rotting is my personal preference for the beach!
Lovely items! Thanks!
The thing I love most about warm weather is... warm weather! I live in Wisconsin, so after a long winter it is bliss to be able to go outside without bundling up!
Love the purse and especially the scraps as I am a scrap quilter! Summer faves: hanging laundry...I LOVE HANGING LAUNDRY; I can't wait for winter to be over to I can hang laundry winter I hand laundry over the wood furnace as nice as outside fresh! I love sitting in the sun to warm up...our house stays so cool I'm chilled all the time. AND I love eating fresh swiss chard from the garden...that is the first thing I look forward to!
i love the smell of sunscreen & the music piping from the ice cream truck. abby
This is great bag for a boy mom (I have 3) which leads me to my favorite thing to do when its warm. . . be outside getting messy and noisy with them.
In warm waether I love to walk in my socks...dont know why, maybe because you walk on your bare foot all the time...somethimes you just want something else...
And I love to hang with the kids in the little tub outside
I would really love to win
I love bbq-ing! Seriously, I could bbq every night during the summer. And I wanted to win your give-away when I saw that bag, and then I saw the scraps and knew I HAD to win!!
maxandellie at gmail dot com
Cute giveaway! I love to sit in the shade of my garden and read or knit.
I just love to sit outdoors and bask in the warmth. Kind of like a lizard. :)
well, to look at my yard, you wouldn't know it, but i LOVE to mow in the spring!
That bag is so freakin' cute! If I don't win it, I'm totally going to have to make one for myself, anyway :-)
My favorite things to do in warm weather -- swing in a hammock and read, swim in a lovely lake in the woods, and eat strawberry popsicles. But not all at the same time :-)
Thanks for the chance to win
I'd love to win! what a lovely bag and filled with such goodies!!
I love to sit outside in the evening and watch the fire flies. That is by far one of God's special creations.
My favorite thing to do in warn weather is to sit outside in the sun and read. Boring, I know, but oh so enjoyable.
Beautiful bag!
When it gets warm we head to the local park. Actually it is my favorite thing to do in any weather. As long as the snow isn't too deep I am there. ;-)
neat bag and I love the fabric scraps...
Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine. :)
My favorite thing to do in warm weather is to sit outside at night...a little cool breeze...the starts...ahhh...relaxing!
LOVE this bag--super cute! I don't live near a beach, so it would have to be my pool bag :) My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is find a good forest and go hiking--it stays cool and you never know what treasures you will see!
I love the bag and the scraps!
It's always warm here in FL, we love to play outside!
my favorite thing to do in warm weather is sit in the shade, enjoy a nice breeze and read a book.
i'm looking forward to lots of pool days this summer! summer are about to get different for us since we're moving to Florida:)
My favourite thing to do is swim in the big gorge next to our house. It's not quite time yet.. but soon!
Thanks for entering me!
Thank you for the chance to win the cute beach tote!
Oh how I dream about a hamock under the trees - with a soft pillow and a good book - perfect!
Please count me in for your generous giveaway.
We are just coming into the cold wintery months now(in Aust) so warm weather fun is just a memory now.. but I do love to take my son and a good book to the park so he can ride and i can relax for a just a moment, oh and dinner picnics in the backyard as the sun as setting. Beautiful bag and endless possibilities with all those little sweet scraps.
What a lovely bag and great material to go with it! It may be cliche, but I love BBQ picnics in the park. It's sometimes a hassle to pack up everything to take, but I love BBQing on those grills at the park, sitting under a tree, and having a nice, relaxing evening outside.
i love this bag! so adorable! thanks for including me in your giveaway, Lora
I like to have picnics with my kids. I also like to read outside.
My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is go sailing! Love the sailboat on the bag!
Well your giveaway is just perfect for me. My favorite thing is going to the beach. Love walking along the sand & sitting down to enjoy a good book!
My favorite thing to do is to read a book outside on a blanket, either in the evening sun, or in the shade. Though i am content to lay by the window in the winter time with my kitties:)
Just popped over from Sew Mama Sew - what a lovely blog you have here! I would love to be in to win your giveaway and I'll be sure to pop back again and visit! In warm weather - long walks barefoot on the beach walking through the shallows. x
Wonderful giveaway - my favorite thing to do in the summer is visit my family cottage in Canada & kayak day and night! Because I live in the UK away from my family it's the biggest treat to go home in the summer!
x nadine
little lovelies
I love the warm weather! I especially love sitting outside with my boys, playing in the water and eating popsicles. Fun times.
Thanks for the chance to win!
What a happy bag! And, the fabric squares too? Oh, please pick me!
I love summer usually, however this year I am huge and pregnant so will be staying in doors to stay cool!
I love to ride the bike to the next ice cream ;-)
You can contact me via a comment on my blog or the email provided there.
I love your giveaway!!
My favorite thing? Go to the beach, get some sun and finish it off by going out to dinner and sleeping so peacefully from all of that salty ocean air. I love it!
Thank you for your great giveaway :)
Spending time with friends & family outdoors is a fav here!
What a cute bag!
My favorite warm weather activity is gardening. Really hot weather? Inside in the air conditioning.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite thing to do in warm weather is sit in my air conditioned house at my computer or sewingroom sipping on pink lemonade. It's too hot to do anything outside. It was 97 yesterday and they want even warmer today by at least 10 degrees. Sigh. I think I should move to Alaska.
I would love to be the happy winner for this sweet giveaway!
My favorite thing to do in the summer is sit outside with a good book, and my feet in a kiddie pool. Maybe a strawberry daiquiri too?
My fave thing to do in the warm weather is to be outside with my friends or family. As long as we're hanging out, laughing, and I'm wearing my flip flops, I'm happy! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.
Cute bag! Cute fabric!
In warm weather I like a tall glass of iced tea and a cool pool with a nice book!
Thanks for the chance to enter!
During warm weather I love to go swimming whenever I get the chance. Or read a nice book in the shade with a glass of peach ice tea.
Thank you for this giveaway! :)
lholy_chan [[at]] yahoo [[dot]] fr
you are hitting my long-standing and completely unfounded (grew up in wisconsin) romance with all things nautical right between the eyes! :) oh, and the scraps...i heart the scrappiness...
Oh I just LOVE warm weather!!! My favorite thing to do has to be to sit out in the balcony with a nice cold beverage, sunglasses on, and good music in the background. And the only thing that would make those few hours even better would be a good friend to chat it up with.
Love the giveaway!!!
I really like reading in the sun in the summer. And your scraps are gorgeous--count me in!
My favorite thing to do in warm weather is to be out back under the shade of my mesquite tree.
During warm weather, I really like to go down to the river for a picnic and watch the sailboats.
I love to watch my kids in the pool with a good book. There is nothing better then kids laughing!!! Thank you so much for doing this drawing!
What a fabulous give away! My favorite thing to do in the summer is to run outside (first thing in the morning) and not on a treadmill inside.
When the weather gets warm we love spending time at the park!
First I must tell you that I have a Memere too. I hardly ever fine anyone else who has a Memere. One of my favorite things to do when it is warm is to swim.
What a great blog you have! This is my favorite part of the giveaway...finding all these great blogs! I love love warm weather. I love to just be outside in it-reading knitting or just sipping iced tea.
I love going boating and waterskiing.
I love to sit outside in the evenings, eating ice-cold watermelon, chatting with my family. It's very peaceful.
I love the warm weather, my fav thing to do is play in the dirt in our garden with baby and doggy.
Cute bag! Love the little surprise inside. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Our favorite thing to do in summer is to go sailing on Lake Champlain. So, this bag would be perfect!!!
What a great giveaway!
I live near Houston, TX, so we do everything in warm weather ;) I like berry picking and eating Blue Bell ice cream and growing vegetables in my backyard. I love watching my kids swinging and chasing grasshoppers and digging in the dirt.
I love the structure of this bag !
In warm weather I love to just be outside enjoying the sunshine!
I love being about to go for walks in the evening. You can't do that in winter without hassle. And the hours of the day are longer in summer too!
Hmmm... I hate the warm weather, so my favourite thing to do is escape to somewhere very cool with a tall glass of homemade lemonade and a good book. Then I just wait until summer's over and I can come back out into the world!!
Aloha, everyday is a warm day here. There is no real distinction. I would do what I always do. Hang out under our ceiling fan to keep cool. The Hawaiian sun is strong.
My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is to go outdoors and take photos. It may be pictures of flowers, people, dogs, the ocean, boats, people, etc.
This giveaway is wonderful, thanks for the generosity!
Not to have to wear all that winter gear!! Mostly I love the long days.
My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is push my son in his backyard swing. It hangs from a huge maple tree in our yard and the branches are low enough that when we're at the swing, it's almost like being in our own little shaded tree house. We can see out and watch the neighbors, but they can't really see us. They know we're there though, because we like to sing songs while we're swinging! It's the best place to be because the air is warm and we can see the sun shining, but we're shaded by all the leaves!
I have a few favorite things I like to do in warm weather. One is to sit out on my deck and read while I watch/listen to the birds at the bird feeders. Another thing I like to do is sew outside--so relaxing!! And yet a third thing I like to do is jump on the bike and take a ride up to my honey's buddy's cottage on Lake Erie.
Oh, lovely....
My favourite thing to do in warm weather is to have picnics in the park. Such fun...
Oh, how lovely! The bag alone is already great, but with those squares inside it's even better :)
Mmm, warm weather favorites are: sweet iced tea to cool down, dinner al fresco, reading in the shade of the yard, playing outside in the evening, long walks...shall I stop now? I've got more...really!
Awesome giveaway! When the weather is warm, I take the family to the beach to play - can't wait until the weather gets hot!
ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot com
My most favorite thing to do in warm weather is picnic in the shade under the walnut trees in our orchard with our grandchildren. Thanks for the chance to win!
If it's not too humid or buggy....I'm usually outside with my kidlets, with my feet in the baby pool lol! The kids love running through the sprinkler and bouncing between there and the pool. :)
I love to take my little girl to the pool and throw her up in the air and see her face glow with glee when she splashes back in the water :)
i like to go walking in warm weather. or laze around in the shade
I love being able to toss food on the grill in the summer!
Thanks so much. My favorite thing to do is anything that involves getting out with my son, the zoo, the pool, all wonderful. Thanks so much!
I love to go backpacking! But not when its too too hot
The beach! We are going on vacation in a couple months and can't wait to go everyday!
What a popular giveaway! Are you tired of reading the comments? In warm weather-I just like to be outside, but it is especially nice to visit cute shops down town and visit the local farmer's market with hubby and baby :)
I will cross my fingers and hope the random generator likes especially high numbers! (if that's how you choose)
Wonderful giveaway and I love that the bag isn't too girly so I could carry it full of toddler boy things. My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is pretty boring--I love eating outside. Of course, I live in a high-rise in Chicago so this means lots of dining out. So sad!
And my husband and I looked at that cargo bike as well. Since he already has 3 bikes (don't ask--he justifies it by commuting to work daily) and I have one, I couldn't stand the thought of one more. But, he's definitely still lobbying!
Nice bag. I am still trying to make mine perfect
That is an awesome bag! My favorite thing to do in the warm weather is to enjoy it outside with our little ones!
my absolute favourite thing to do in the warm weather is actually once it's cooled off a bit! i LOVE being outside on summer evenings, it still smells hot, and you're totally comfy cuddling up outside with a friends to sit in the dark and chat or to read under the porch light. i often stay up way too late in the sumer, because i can't bear the thought of going inside!
I'm also not a fan of hot weather. I like it cooler. To wear a sweater, warm coat and socks, a hat. I like to knit and don't seem to get so much knitting with cotton! maybe a good research of a summer pattern would be a good idea. mmm... might head that way now.
Having said that. PICNICS is my favorite thing if I have to have warm weather.
but thank you so very much for the chance to win this beautiful bag.
home mama of two (at) hotmail (dot) com.
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