I'm grannying away again.
I need a hundred grannies to make this blanket. It'll be all bright and spring-y like. And I could use some spring-y right now thankyouverymuch.
My biggest thing with trying to crochet a large project is figuring out colours, I always WAY over-think it and get bored before I'm too far into it. This one, I just picked out four colours at a time that I liked and made a few, then picked out four more, made a few more and I'm going on in that way for now.
I always love bright busy blankets like this one by Pip..
or this one by Gertie P?
Oh and these lovely sunburst grannies I'm seeing all over the place...I'm sure I started some of those last summer...?
And while we're talking about colours; how about this bag?! I think I'm in looooooove... ( yeah, I just used a semi-colon.)
Oh yea, that bag is cuteness central. Make me one, k? ;)
have fun playing with colours. I enjoy picking a few colours then picking a few more - leads to creative choices
Go Go Semi-colon!
Great Grannies, too!
I love those grannies!!!
Oh I love your granny squares!
I am going to learn on Thursday how to granny and I am super excited!
Your blanket will be so colorful
and happy!
i want to learn how to do this but i think i am too stupid for knitting
LOVE - I want to learn how to make granny squares so badly!!!
ok - I am ready to learn this - I am over my I am too stupid and I am onto "I think I can"
How do I start?
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