About crochet and paper and trying to learn to sew and of course baking. Lots of baking in there.
I thought I might try and put up "the best" about the past three hundred, but I realized the best wasn't a photo I could pull up and share.
You people are the best.
Every comment makes me ridiculously, deliriously happy. And every new blog I add to my google reader gives me so much giddiness at finding another person who feels the same that I do about creating, family, life. I know I can count on you for constant amazing inspiration and best of all, recipes! (You're the first place I go to when I need a sweet baking fix!)
So in appreciation of all of you and how you make my day, I'm offering a little giveaway.

I'd love to make a Halloween banner like the one posted yesterday for someone out there. All you have to do is comment if you're interested. Just tell me your favourite blog find: a recipe, article, craft idea, photo, whatever. I'll pick a name Friday.
One more time: Thank you fabulous crafty bloggers. You make my day.
Pick one favourtite find? I think it would mostly be finding kindred spirits out there - virtually and in person.
And so many more!
I think my favorite blog finds are the ones where people "repurpose" things... using yarn from a sweater to knit socks, making bags from old clothes, using vintage sheets to make quilts. Those are my favorites.
My favorite find??? YOU!
Corny, yes. But your blog is how I "met" you. Before I saw this, you were "Paul's Wife". After reading your almost-300 posts (okay, I didn't read them all), I was super excited to meet you. I now count you as a wonderful friend that I'm glad I found. :)
Keep on blogging!! Happy 300!
- Jill
Congrulations Elizabeth! Like the new look too!
I'd love to win a halloween bunting even though we don't celebrate it downunder. It's very cool regardless!
My favourite blog find is mighty difficult to define. I really love http://cathycullis.blogspot.com/.
Her work is exquisite.
congrats on 300! i am trying to remember how i found you - were you in the sew mama sew giveaway? anyways, i've loved following along with your baking and crafts. i am super inspired. :)
one of my faves:
Congrats on 300 posts---I've loved them all! I always love finding inspiration for new crafts.
Wow, that's a lot of posts!! I would have to say my favorite blog find is Agnes, at Knock Knocking.
I've loved every one of her posts - so cheery!
This is my fave cut-out cookie recipe!
I'll be making halloween cookies out of this recipe.
Happy 300th post! Very best wishes!
Golly goblins!
that's alota posts
and here at one of your favorite times of the year.
Keep on Keeping on
Congrats on 300 posts! I just found out about blogs this year..where I've been I"m not so sure! LOL.
I've found so many quilting projects: ie: tote bags, shorts, from blogs its awesome!
Everyone loves to share!
Many blessings.
Congrats on the posts. Did you think you would have so much to say? lol
I love surfing the blogs at night and get really excited when I strike a treasure and others think so when I make it.
sharing love of making, creating with the hands. that's what I like.
thanks for your sharing and inspirations.
Lovely blog!! i discovered you through leanne from little house mouse! She was my partner in the vintage swaps we had on www.vintageswaps.blogspot.com My favorite blog find this year is Soule mama! she is such an inspiration!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!
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