08 March 2008

the perfect breakfast bowl and surprise prints

So my search for the perfect bowl for my boring breakfasts has come to an end.
I found this the other day and had to have it.
It's pretty but still a little plain. It's perfect. It had a mate too, and I couldn’t leave it there to be lonely, so I have two. Want to come over for oatmeal?

I got to make two thrift stops, and ended up with a ton of loot, the best of it being these.
Tulip mug. It has no markings, but I love it.

I have a thing for vintage children’s books. It’s more like an addiction. I cannot walk past a thrift table of them. We literally have hundreds. They’re just more wholesome and less commercial than most that you find nowadays. I grew up reading my mother’s childhood books, I’m sure that has something to do with it. These are the most recent finds.
Can you believe it? The stinky cheese man for sixty-nine cents!
I found more at my first stop, and was ready to hit the road from the second when something was just calling me to the um, “art” section of the store, where I almost never visit. And I found these.
Aren't they adorable?
Two were framed in red metal eighties-ish frames and the little girl on the swing was set apart in a blue metal frame. They asked very politely to come home with me and I just couldn’t refuse. Could you have? There's a little caption at the bottom of the two reds that tells me they're from the book 'Love is a Special way of Feeling' by Joan Walsh Anglund 1960. The blue is smaller. I imagine it was damage in some way and cropped in to fit the frame because it was too sweet to part with at the time.

I’m not sure what to do with them yet. I think one will be a gift, we’ll see.

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