05 February 2008

Kitchen time.

Every year I like to have a little card decorating get together for St. Valentine’s time. Just the girls wielding glue sticks and lots of glitter. And yay, it’s tonight! Of course the house is a mess, my supplies need to be collected, but most importantly, I have nothing to serve !!

Ah, but just the other day, Heidi at my paper crane posted the yummiest looking blueberry bread. But I don’t have any blueberries in the house. I do, however, have thimbleberries. Or at least I thought I did until I started looking around for thimbleberry-ness. It turns out, that what I have always known as a thimbleberry is actually a wine raspberry. Now that just doesn’t roll off the tongue quite the same does it?

Either way, it’s a marvelous plant that spreads like wildfire. My plant was a wee three little twigs no more than eight inches in the ground three years ago, and this past summer I got almost a gallon of berries from her. It’s different from a regular razz in that it has these little pods that open to reveal the flower, after it’s pollinated, it closes again and then reopens with a nifty little berry inside, ready to be snatched by the nearest child. Harry quickly learned last year where to find the berries in the grandparents yard and would head straight there from his car seat. I can’t wait to see him in action this year.
But for now, it’ll be berry bread from the ones that actually made it to the freezer to hold us over. My camera is on the fritz, so posts of the valentine creations and berry goodness to come.

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