09 January 2012

Monday, Monday OR a tiny bit of boring reality, maybe just keep scrolling past this one....

Source: tumblr.com via Katy on Pinterest

My day went something like this:

grilling ( griddling?) up chocolate chip pancakes on a whim since the boys woke up and got dressed so easily...

Logging and pocketing and stamping books for the school library for as long as I could until Will decided he had had enough of that ten by twenty little space. ( he made it two hours, I commend him. Yes, I said commend.)

Packing and sweeping and sorting and otherwise cleaning up all the Christmas mess, ahem, decorations. It's so much work putting it all away. It's work putting it up but at least you're excited to do that...

Planning a tea party-ish mini- menu for Old Ladies' Club* tomorrow with only what I have in the house. ( * Me and Mum and Nana and Neighbor and Sis-in-Law, playing with yarn in a very old lady-ish manner, aka, baby hats and doilies, haha!)

Library Trip! The highlight of the day, which included Will"s quote of the week, while clinging to his book choice: "This is going to be the bestest thing of my LIFE!"

The singular Joy of getting all the way to the self checkout, scanning all my items and then realizing I did not, in fact, have a card on me with which to pay for those things. Ahh, the humility....

Continuing the battle against The Laundry and The Dishes... ugh..... Sometimes I wish I had no (eco) conscience so I could just use paper plates. everyday.

And now, a bloggy break. Phew. Before dinner, jammies, bedtime stories and the nightly request for eighteen glasses of water....

I thought it was going to be a Library trip, a walk, light housework, some lazy reading, and some girlfriend time after that. Boy was I ever wrong? Do you have those days too, or is it just me? it's so hard to tell in this world of picture perfect blogs!
You know you can think of one blogger you would just love, just once, to blog that they set dinner on fire, or had to send the kids to timeout seven times today? You know you can, haha! Of course, all those perfect crafty mamas do help me set my bar SO much higher....

Well, that was a thrilling post, wasn't it? Haha! Sorry. If you made it this far, I also commend you!


Amy said...

Umm you are not alone. In fact my life for like the past two weeks has been one giant mess. First it started off with a cold for a week or so that was accompanied by a nasty cough. Then I thought I was getting better and I was hit with the nastiest sinus infection of my life. I think I have only been sicker when I had bronchitus (for the life of me I can't spell that word right) Anyways, I feel utterly useless, I have gotten things done here and there, but man all I want to do is take naps and play Dr. Mario. So to sum it up, yes I feel like my life isn't going as planned right now and I feel like a loser that can't get barely anything done and it is making me feel a little crazy. My life is definitely not picture perfect, but you know what? If it was, I wouldn't appreciate when it is good :)
Sorry for my long response, I now commend you if you got through that :)

-Tee- said...

So feel your pain!! I feel really lost now that my time is packed with family time. I long for the days spent with the kids at school, hubby at work and me at home able to get things cleaned, organized and sorted... Oh and the gym. I need you find that place again! Hang in there. You know I love ya, lady :) gotta catch up soon!!! So much to tell you about!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Mondays rarely seem to go as planned. Nor do Tuesdays, Wednesdays.... for that matter. ;)

Your Old Ladies' Club sounds like great fun!