02 January 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ( for real now since it's Monday...)

Did anyone else put of starting all those resolutions until today too?

We had one last holiday party yesterday and kind of let ourselves go all out between that and football, our bodies are begging us to buckle down today.

How did you do on last year's resolutions?

I looked back on my 30 before 30 list and boy.... that was a joke. I hadn't looked at it in so long, that I didn't realize my list had only reached 21. How's that for slacking?

Things I did manage to do:

Crochet a sweater ( for Harry but that counts.)
Camp more ( we went four trips this year instead of our usual one.)
Visit D.C. ( and Auntie A of course!)
Learn to knit (kind of. forget purl. or reading patterns. ha!)
Run my first 5k! (seriously my proudest achievement ever.)
Read 30 books. ( the list is on my sidebar if you're interested in seeing what they were.)

As for the other 16? I mustn't have been thinking clearly when I added those! haha!

So! I was thinking of making a 30 for 30 list this year in a slightly different style.

(I cannot for the life of me find the original post I read and I'm very sorry that I can't credit the original young lady, so I'll just say here, this is not my original idea.)

It goes something like this:

1. Take one photo a day ( at least )
2. 3. 4.
5. Run 5 5k's!
6. Visit 6 wineries!
7. 8. 9.
10: Drop 10 pounds.
12. Send 12 letters to my sponsored child, one a month.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Get it? What I need are some suggestions. I have a few more things in mind, but if I couldn't come up with 30 last year, will I be able to do 31 this year? hahaha! I obviously need your help. How many books should I read?

What do you think? Give a girl a hand?


Allison Fouse said...

While I don't have any brilliant ideas at the moment, I think your thirty-something lists are really great. It gives you a starting point for goals. Even if you didn't accomplish them ALL, that's ok, and probably more than most people do! If I think of anything fabulous, I'll post here later.

-Tee- said...

ok... I am SOOO making a 36 list for next year. That gives me 4 months to figure out the list and then the full 12 months to giditdone!! lol