22 May 2008

warm and squishy goodness

no, no, no. I mean bread. I made bread! My friend and I are always joking that the best blogger mommies bake bread for their families. Anyway, the boys were sleeping Tuesday and since the rest of the house was mostly in order, I thought I'd give it a go.


And White.

I used this recipe here which seemed simple enough to me and well, it is what it is. It's dense and squishy and a lot like store bought wheat or white. Sandwich-y. But super easy and a keeper for all our sandwich needs. The way I figure, once the garden is in full swing, if I can be making bread, we'll only really have to go to the market for milk all summer. So...If the Kitchen Aid is going to be living on my counter for awhile, it needs a stylish new cover (the existing one was icky.)
So I whipped this one up. Nothing fancy, but a good fit considering I just kind of faked it. The material is apples and pears from Alexander Henry and I bought it not knowing what I was going to make, just that I had to have it. And now it looks sweet on my (scratched up, ignore that please) counter.

Plus, it matches the formula can and sugar bowl so well.


Anonymous said...

OMG - the bread was awesome. I like the white better.. especially with PB! just cuz I'm not used to wheat yet. I'm getting there. BTW, I love love love that fabric... that's the type of shirts, dresses, etc that I'd put on the kids... retro! She said she wants the fruit... lol

Anonymous said...

Nice cover! I don't have any kitchen appliances big enough to live on my kitchen counter. Haha! Short story: I went to my cousins house over Christmas and I commented on how the floorspace in my kitchen was about the same size as their coffee table top. Everyone laughed, because they thought I was trying to crack a joke. But no, I was serious. So you can imagine how little counter space I have!

Simone said...

The bread looks delicious, especially the round shaped one! Neat appliance cover too. I have blogged about the giveaway I won from you over at Linden Grove. It really made my day receiving the package!

Katie said...

I so bought 3 yards of the Apples and Pears from JoAnns because I just had to have it. Plus I had a 50% off coupon. Yay! That's funny. It wasn't until I got home and threw it in the wash that I realized it was an Alexander Henry fabric. I'm thinking I'll make a apron out of it.

You're bread is gorgeous, btw. It gets quicker and easier the more you do it too. :-D

(Check out blogs from the Market Tote Swap)


Anonymous said...

Haha! I went digging through your blog today because Ethan picked out this fabric and I thought I had seen it here somewhere.
We have fabulous taste.